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How to run simulation for a set amount of clock cycles

To all, I am new to VHDL. I have a working design however my simulation keeps running forever until I cancel the simulation. In the test bench how do I stop the simulation after x clock cycles? Is this done in the clock process?

clk_process :process
     clk <= '0';
     wait for clk_period/2;  
     clk <= '1';
     wait for clk_period/2;  
end process;

Please and Thank you!


  • In VHDL-2008 :

    if now >= clk_period * x then 
    end if;

    In earlier revisions (still works in 2008 though!) :

    assert now < clk_period * x report 
        "Stopping simulation : this is not a failure!" severity failure;

    This latter curiosity (abusing an assert) is actually recommended in Janick Bergeron's book "Writing Testbenches"!

    The clock process is as good a place as any for them but a separate process (probably sensitive to clock) for simulation control may be marginally cleaner design.