I am building a slack bot using a third party service to handle responses based on inputs rather than just hard coding them into the bot. This service's API needs a client id & a conversation id to get the response. I found out that each time a slack bot receives a message, it creates a new message object each time so there isn't a way of keeping the clientID and conversation ID within the message object and have slack hold onto it.
rtm.on(RTM_EVENTS.MESSAGE, function(message // <-- new object each time the bot hears a message){
rtm.sendMessage('hello', message.channel);
So shortened down, does anyone know of a way to keep a conversation between a single user and the bot while holding onto some type of variable to hold the client and conversation ID?
You can store the message.user ID and track the conversation referring to that specific user. You will need to keep track of all ongoing conversations yourself. Something like this
rtm.on(RTM_EVENTS.MESSAGE, function(message // <-- new object each time the bot hears a message){
if(stored_conversations.indexOf(message.user) > -1){
//customize message depending on history
rtm.sendMessage('I remember you', message.channel);
Or, you could use Botkit - it manages bot-user conversations for you.