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Resource referenced in user control does not appear when user control is referenced in another assembly

I have 3 assemblies:

Number 1- ResourceAssembly which contains a subfolder Images with 1 image in it (build action = resource). Within that subfolder is a ResourceDictionary with build action set to resource. The resource dictionary contains the following-

<BitmapImage x:Key="BluePlus_48x48_72" UriSource="112_Plus_Blue_48x48_72.png"/>

Number 2 - A wpf control assembly with a single usercontrol called UserControl1. Within that usercontrol's resources, I am loading the resource dictionary from assembly 1 and using the image in it.

            <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/ResourcesAssembly;component/Images/ImagesDictionary.xaml"/>

<Image Source="{DynamicResource BluePlus_48x48_72}" Height="48" Width="48"/>

The image appears correctly.

Number 3 - The main application assembly. Within the MainWindow.xaml, I reference the Project1 assembly and insert a UserControl1.

<p1:UserControl1 Height="60" Width="60"/>

However, the image does not appear. There are no compile-time errors nor any errors ouput to the Output window at runtime. I am at a loss as to why the image isn't appearring. Any thought?

Thanks for your help!


  • I think you'll need to also add a reference to the "ResourceAssembly" project in your main application. Or at least have the "ResourceAssembly.dll" in the same folder as your main application's executable.