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Parse query only working from one device

I am currently developping an app android app with a friend and we are using Back4App's parse as a backend.

We're syncing our version with BitBucket and haven't encountered major problems until now.

Our app bassically needs to get objects from a Parse Class and show them in a list.

The thing is that the following code used to collect that data from Parse only works on my device and I have no idea why.

ParseQuery<Object> q = ParseQuery.getQuery("Object");
    q.findInBackground(new FindCallback<Object>() {
        public void done(List<Object> objects, ParseException e) {
            if(e == null){
               // Objects added in the list here

The code is working like charm on my device but it isn't on anything else and I have no idea why.

I also checked that the problem wasn't connecting to Parse with his device because authentification through the app works very well on everything.


  • Ok it turns out I haven't thought about checking ACL in my Parse Class and only my account could access the test values

    Sorry if I wasted someone's time. That was my bad.