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HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error 0x80070003 Cannot read configuration file

I'm getting the above error when I publish my application and move it from development to production server. Below are the error details.

Detailed Error Information

Module IIS Web Core

Notification BeginRequest

Handler Not yet determined

Error Code 0x80070003

Config Error Cannot read configuration file

Config File \?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WorkmenCompTest\web.config

Requested URL http://localhost:80/wictest

Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WorkmenCompTest

Logon Method Not yet determined

Logon User Not yet determined

This website used to work previously but recently the published version stopped working due to this error. As far as I can tell, the only change was installing iTextSharp and iTextSharp xmlworker through nuget.

I have tried, without success:

  1. giving modify permission on the site folder to Everyone
  2. checking the web.config file, and using an older version of the web.config file (from when the site worked).
  3. uninstalling iTextSharp and iTextSharp XMLWorker

The project still runs without issue from Visual Studio.


  • This is solved. The error was caused by the folder name not matching the path for the virtual directory. Oh wow I feel dumb.