Our customers sends their requests for our products via email. Their requests are saved in our database and after we check their requests, we want to send them an email which contains the paypal payment link. To execute this, I am using BMCreateButton method of ButtonManager API of Paypal.
This method returns EMAILLINK parameter and I am using this parameter in the email to redirect to user to paypal payment page. This method also returns HOSTEDBUTTONID and I am saving this parameter and EMAILLINK parameter to the database to make a relation between the email link(hostedbuttonid) and the user request.
For the payment notifications, I think my only choice is IPN of Paypal. I developed a page to handle the IPN messages from paypal and it works fine but the problem arises when I want to relate between the payment information with the email link that was sent to the customer. I mean I want to know for which request this payment was made. IPN message does not return any information about the HOSTEDBUTTONID. It returns btn_id(different than the HOSTEDBUTTONID), txn_id and ipn_track_id but none of them is useful to relate the customer request( or email sent) with the payment.
Do you have any suggestion about my issue? Or do you think I should use another way for sending the payment email to the user instead of BMCreateButton method of ButtonManager API.
In the BMCreateButton call, where you're setting up the standard PayPal variables for the button, add the CUSTOM parameter. Within that you can pass any value you want (up to 256 char.) and then that same value will come back in the IPN so you can relate it accordingly.
If you have a specific Order ID you could use the INVOICE field instead, and that would come back in IPN as well.