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Extracting raw data from a PowerPivot model using Python

What seemed like a trivial task turned into a real nightmare when I had to read in some data from a PowerPivot model using Python. I believe I've researched this very well over the last couple of days but now I hit a brick wall and would appreciate some help from the Python/SSAS/ADO community.

Basically, all I want to do is programmatically access raw data stored in PowerPivot models - my idea was to connect to the underlying PowerPivot (i.e. MS Analysis Services) engine via one of the methods listed below, list the tables contained in the model, then extract the raw data from each table using a simple DAX query (something like EVALUATE (table_name)). Easy peasy, right? Well, maybe not.

0. Some Background Information

As you can see, I've tried several different approaches. I'll try to document everything as carefully as possible so that those uninitiated in PowerPivot functionality will have a good idea of what I'd like to do.

First of all, some background on programmatic access to Analysis Services engine (it says 2005 SQL Server, but all of it ought to still be applicable): SQL Server Data Mining Programmability and Data providers used for Analysis Services connections.

The sample Excel/PowerPivot file I'll be using in the example below can be found here: Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010 and PowerPivot in Excel 2013 Samples.

Also, note that I'm using Excel 2010, so some of my code is version-specific. E.g. wb.Connections["PowerPivot Data"].OLEDBConnection.ADOConnection should be wb.Model.DataModelConnection.ModelConnection.ADOConnection if you're using Excel 2013.

The connection string I'll be using throughout this question is based on the information found here: Connect to PowerPivot engine with C#. Additionally, some of the methods apparently require some sort of initialization of the PowerPivot model prior to data retrieval. See here: Automating PowerPivot Refresh operation from VBA.

Finally, here's a couple of links showing that this should be achievable (note however, that these links mainly refer to C#, not Python):

1. Using ADOMD

import clr
import Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient as ADOMD
ConnString = "Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source=$Embedded$;Locale Identifier=1033;

Connection = ADOMD.AdomdConnection(ConnString)

Here, it appears the problem is that the PowerPivot model has not been initialized:

AdomdConnectionException: A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running.

2. Using AMO

import clr
import Microsoft.AnalysisServices as AMO
ConnString = "Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source=$Embedded$;Locale Identifier=1033;

Connection = AMO.Server()

Same story, "the server is not running":

ConnectionException: A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running.

Note that AMO is technically not used for querying data, but I included it as one of the potential ways of connecting to the PowerPivot model.

3. Using ADO.NET

import clr
import System.Data.OleDb as ADONET
ConnString = "Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source=$Embedded$;Locale Identifier=1033;

Connection = ADONET.OleDbConnection()
Connection.ConnectionString = ConnString

This is similar to What's the simplest way to access mssql with python or ironpython?. Unfortunately, this also doesn't work:

OleDbException: OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: The following system error occurred:
The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.

4. Using ADO via adodbapi module

import adodbapi
ConnString = "Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source=$Embedded$;Locale Identifier=1033;

Connection = adodbapi.connect(ConnString)

Similar to Opposite Workings of OLEDB/ODBC between Python and MS Access VBA. The error I get is:

OperationalError: (com_error(-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, u'Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services.', u'OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: The
following system error occurred:  The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested
type was found...

This is basically the same problem as with ADO.NET above.

5. Using ADO via Excel/win32com module

from win32com.client import Dispatch
Xlfile = "H:\\PowerPivotTutorialSample.xlsx"
XlApp = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
Workbook = XlApp.Workbooks.Open(Xlfile)
Workbook.Connections["PowerPivot Data"].Refresh()
Connection = Workbook.Connections["PowerPivot Data"].OLEDBConnection.ADOConnection
Recordset = Dispatch('ADODB.Recordset')

Query = "EVALUATE(dbo_DimDate)" #sample DAX query
Recordset.Open(Query, Connection)

The idea for this approach came from this blog post that uses VBA: Export a table or DAX query from Power Pivot to CSV using VBA. Note that this approach uses an explicit Refresh command that initializes the model (i.e. "server"). Here's the error message:

com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, u'ADODB.Recordset', u'Arguments are of
the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.',
u'C:\\Windows\\HELP\\ADO270.CHM', 1240641, -2146825287), None)

It appears, however, that the ADO connection has been established:

  • type(Connection) returns instance
  • print(Connection) returns Provider=MSOLAP.5;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=Microsoft_SQLServer_AnalysisServices;Data Source=$Embedded$;MDX Compatibility=1;Safety Options=2;ConnectTo=11.0;MDX Missing Member Mode=Error;Subqueries=2;Optimize Response=3;Cell Error Mode=TextValue

It seems the problem lies in the creation of the ADODB.Recordset object.

6. Using ADO via Excel/win32com, direct use of ADODB.Connection

from win32com.client import Dispatch
ConnString = "Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source=$Embedded$;Locale Identifier=1033;

Connection = Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')

Similar to Connection to Access from Python [duplicate] and Query access using ADO in Win32 platform (Python recipe). Unfortunately, the error Python spits out is the same as in the two examples above:

com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, u'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL
Server 2012 Analysis Services.', u'OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: The following system
error occurred:  The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.
..', None, 0, -2147467259), None)

7. Using ADO via Excel/win32com, direct use of ADODB.Connection plus model refresh

from win32com.client import Dispatch
Xlfile = "H:\\PowerPivotTutorialSample.xlsx"
XlApp = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
Workbook = XlApp.Workbooks.Open(Xlfile)
Workbook.Connections["PowerPivot Data"].Refresh()
ConnStringInternal = "Provider=MSOLAP.5;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=
                     Microsoft_SQLServer_AnalysisServices;Data Source=$Embedded$;MDX
                     Compatibility=1;Safety Options=2;ConnectTo=11.0;MDX Missing Member
                     Mode=Error;Optimize Response=3;Cell Error Mode=TextValue"

Connection = Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')

I was hoping I could initialize an instance of Excel, then initialize the PowerPivot model, and then create a connection using the internal connection string Excel uses for embedded PowerPivot data (similar to How do you copy the powerpivot data into the excel workbook as a table? - note that the connection string is different from the one I've used elsewhere). Unfortunately, this doesn't work and my guess is that Python starts the ADODB.Connection process in a separate instance (as I get the same error message when I execute the last three rows without first initializing Excel, etc.):

com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, u'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL
Server 2012 Analysis Services.', u'Either the user, ****** (masked), does not have access
to the Microsoft_SQLServer_AnalysisServices database, or the database does not exist.',
None, 0, -2147467259), None)


  • Lo and behold, I finally managed to crack the problem - turns out that accessing Power Pivot data using Python is indeed possible! Below's a short recap of what I did - you can find a more detailed description here: Analysis Services (SSAS) on a shoestring. Note: the code has been optimized neither for efficiency nor elegance.

    • Install Microsoft Power BI Desktop (comes with free Analysis Services server, so no need for a costly SQL Server license - however, the same approach obviously also works if you have a proper license).
    • Fire up the AS engine by first creating the msmdsrv.ini settings file, then restore the database from the ABF file (using AMO.NET), then extract data using ADOMD.NET.

    Here's the Python code that illustrates the AS engine + AMO.NET parts:

    import psutil, subprocess, random, os, zipfile, shutil, clr, sys, pandas
    def initialSetup(pathPowerBI):
        #required Analysis Services assemblies
        global AMO, ADOMD
        import Microsoft.AnalysisServices as AMO
        import Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient as ADOMD
    def restorePowerPivot(excelName, pathTarget, port, pathPowerBI):   
        #create random folder
        folder = os.getcwd()+str(random.randrange(10**6, 10**7))
        #extract PowerPivot model (abf backup)
        archive = zipfile.ZipFile(excelName)
        for member in archive.namelist():
            if ".data" in member:
                filename = os.path.basename(member)
                abfname = os.path.join(folder, filename) + ".abf"
                source =
                target = file(os.path.join(folder, abfname), 'wb')
                shutil.copyfileobj(source, target)
                del target
        #start the cmd.exe process to get its PID
        listPIDpre = [proc for proc in psutil.process_iter()]
        process = subprocess.Popen('cmd.exe /k', stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
        listPIDpost = [proc for proc in psutil.process_iter()]
        pid = [proc for proc in listPIDpost if proc not in listPIDpre if "cmd.exe" in str(proc)][0]
        pid = str(pid).split("=")[1].split(",")[0]
        msmdsrvText = '''<ConfigurationSettings>
        #save ini file to disk, fill it with required parameters
        msmdsrvini = open(folder+"\\msmdsrv.ini", "w")
        msmdsrvText = msmdsrvText.format(folder, port, pid) #{0},{1},{2}
        #run AS engine inside the cmd.exe process
        initString = "\"{0}\\msmdsrv.exe\" -c -s \"{1}\""
        initString = initString.format(pathPowerBI.replace("/","\\"),folder)
        process.stdin.write(initString + " \n")
        #connect to the AS instance from Python
        AMOServer = AMO.Server()
        #restore database from PowerPivot abf backup, disconnect
        AMORestoreInfo = AMO.RestoreInfo(os.path.join(folder, abfname))
        return process

    And the data-extraction part:

    def runQuery(query, port, flag):
        #ADOMD assembly
        ADOMDConn = ADOMD.AdomdConnection("Data Source=localhost:{0}".format(port))
        ADOMDCommand = ADOMDConn.CreateCommand() 
        ADOMDCommand.CommandText = query
        #read data in via AdomdDataReader object
        DataReader = ADOMDCommand.ExecuteReader()
        #get metadata, number of columns
        SchemaTable = DataReader.GetSchemaTable()
        numCol = SchemaTable.Rows.Count #same as DataReader.FieldCount
        #get column names
        columnNames = []
        for i in range(numCol):
        #fill with data
        data = []
        while DataReader.Read()==True:
            row = []
            for j in range(numCol):
        df = pandas.DataFrame(data)
        df.columns = columnNames 
        if flag==0:
            return df     
            #metadata table
            metadataColumnNames = []
            for j in range(SchemaTable.Columns.Count):
            metadata = []
            for i in range(numCol):
                row = []
                for j in range(SchemaTable.Columns.Count):
            metadf = pandas.DataFrame(metadata)
            metadf.columns = metadataColumnNames
            return df, metadf

    The raw data are then extracted via something like this:

    pathPowerBI = "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Power BI Desktop/bin"
    session = restorePowerPivot("D:/Downloads/PowerPivotTutorialSample.xlsx", "D:/", 60000, pathPowerBI)
    df, metadf = runQuery("EVALUATE dbo_DimProduct", 60000, 1)