Using the jsonapi-resources gem (and Rails 4), I'm attempting to create a singular (or singleton) resource (not supplying the id on the url for the standard show, update and delete requests), in my case for a profile of the current (logged in) user, so I can do a 'GET /profiles' rather than a 'GET /profiles/:id'.
I've added the singular route to the config/routes.rb file:
jsonapi_resource :profiles
as per the documents
So how do I modify the resource (ProfileResource) to map the id to the current_user (via the context)?
the existing demo apps do not demonstrate using the singular resource, and there doesn't seemed to be any documentation that (explicitly) address this.
In your Profile resource, you can override the self.find_by_key
method to instantiate via the user stored in the context, if the key is 'me'.
For current user, you could hit /profiles/me
def self.find_by_key(key, options = {})
new(options[:context][:current_user], options[:context]) if key == 'me'