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Nested "if" (AKA "switch") in Smalltalk (Pharo)

I need to populate the matrix (stored as an array of arrays) with some values. The matrix is a Jacobian for a simple diffusion problem and looks like this:

J(1,1) = 1, J(N,N)=0

and for 1<n<N:

J(n,n) = -2k/dx^2 - 2*c(n)
J(n,n-1)=J(n,n+1) = k/dx^2

the rest of the matrix entries are zeros.

So far I have this monstrosity:

(1 to: c size) collect: [ :n |
                (1 to: c size) collect: [ :m |
                    n = 1 | (n = c size)
                        ifTrue: [ m = n ifTrue: [ 1.0 ] ifFalse: [ 0.0 ] ]
                        ifFalse: [ m = n
                            ifTrue: [ -2.0 * k / dx squared - (2.0 * (c at: n)) ]
                            ifFalse: [ m = (n-1) | (m = (n+1))
                                ifTrue: [ k / dx squared ]
                                ifFalse: [ 0.0 ] ] ]
                    ] ]

Notice the nested "if-statements" (Smalltalk equivalents). This works. But, is there, perhaps, a more elegant way of doing the same thing? As it stands now, it is rather unreadable.


  • For readability's sake I would consider sacrificing the extra O(n) time and avoid IFs altogether (which just make it even faster...).

    J(N,N) = 0
    J(1,1) = 1
    //and for 1<n<N:
    J(n,n) = Y(n)
    J(n,m-1) = J(n,m+1) = X

    What this tells me is that the whole matrix looks something like this

    ( 1 X 0 0 0 )
    ( X Y X 0 0 )
    ( 0 X Y X 0 )
    ( 0 0 X Y X )
    ( 0 0 0 X 0 )

    Which means that I can create the whole matrix with just zeros, and then change the diagonal and neighboring diagonals.

    jNM := [ k / dx squared ].
    jNN := [ :n | -2.0 * k / dx squared - (2.0 * (c at: n)) ].
    n := c size.
    m := Matrix
        new: n 
        tabulate: [:i :j | 0 ].
    (1 to: n - 1) do: [ :i |
        m at: i at: i put: (jNN value: i).
        m at: i + 1 at: i put: jnM value.
        m at: i at: i + 1 put: jnM value.
    m at: 1 at: 1 put: 1.

    Note: I'm not familiar with the math behind this but the value for J(n,m-1) seems like a constant to me.

    Note 2: I'm putting the values at i + 1 indexes, because I am starting at position 1;1, but you can start from the opposite direction and have i-1.