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Bulk Collect and ForAll - Oracle

I am looking for the syntax to access a column from the Record Type (Index by table). Below is the sample code. How shall i run the Update script in below Declare block which need empid from the V_Emprec record type. I have created a proc also which needs same parameter(empid).

Can this be done using %Rowtype or i need to create type with emp_stage.empid%type? If i create 2 TYPES for Empid and Ename as emp_stg.column_name%type, can i use those to replace the Insert script using Rowtype v_emprec?

Please tell the syntax to do this.

create table emp_master(empid number, ename varchar2(50));
create table emp_stage (empid number, ename varchar2(50));
create procedure update_emp_name(P_empid in emp_master.empid%type)
Update emp_stage set ename =INITCAP(ename) WHERE EMPID =P_empid;

Type emprec is table of emp_master%rowtype index by pls_integer;
v_emprec emprec;
Select empid,ename bulk collect into v_emprec from emp_master;
ForAll i in 1..v_emprec.count
Insert into emp_stage values v_emprec(i);
Update emp_stage set ename =INITCAP(ename) WHERE EMPID =v_emprec.empid(i);
 /*Need Correct Syntax to use empid from the v_emprec type*/           



  • You can do the update in a second forall, and reference the record field as you would any record field or table column; you just have the index reference in the wrong place:

    ForAll i in 1..v_emprec.count
      Insert into emp_stage values v_emprec(i);
    ForAll i in 1..v_emprec.count
      Update emp_stage set ename = INITCAP(ename)
      WHERE EMPID = v_emprec(i).empid;

    You can't call a procedure with forall, it only allows DML. You can use a normal for loop though:

    for i in 1..v_emprec.count loop         
    end loop;

    But as that does single row-by-row updates, and incurs extra context switches, that will be less efficient than the forall approach; or indeed a single update of all the rows. You can also loop around the collection and initcap the fields before doing the insert:

    for i in 1..v_emprec.count loop         
      v_emprec(i).ename := INITCAP(v_emprec(i).ename);
    end loop;
    ForAll i in 1..v_emprec.count
      Insert into emp_stage values v_emprec(i);

    Or change the insert to refer to the fields separately and do the initcap during the insert (which also won't work with 10g). Or do the initcap in the query:

    Select empid, INITCAP(ename) bulk collect into v_emprec from emp_master;
    ForAll i in 1..v_emprec.count
      Insert into emp_stage values v_emprec(i);