I’m using Amazon Linux with bash shell. In my bash script, how do I construct a while loop that will spin so long as the command
tail -10 /usr/java/jboss/standalone/log/server.log
does not contain the string “FrameworkServlet ‘myprojectDispatcher': initialization completed”?
You can use:
tail -n 10 -f /usr/java/jboss/standalone/log/server.log |
awk '/FrameworkServlet.*myprojectDispatcher.*initialization completed/{exit} 1'
will exit when it encounters search string otherwise it will keep writing input to stdout.
However do keep in mind that the tail
command is buffered and to avoid that behavior try stdbuf
gnu utility:
stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 tail -n 10 -f /usr/java/jboss/standalone/log/server.log |
awk '/FrameworkServlet.*myprojectDispatcher.*initialization completed/{exit} 1'