I am trying to use the Linode API along with this linode-python SDK to manage my Linode servers. However, I'm getting a TypeError I don't understand when I run the linode-disk-list() command.
This is how the linode-python API defines the method I'm calling. As you can see, a LinodeID is required.
returns=[{u'CREATE_DT': u'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.0',
u'DISKID': 'Disk ID',
u'ISREADONLY': '0 or 1',
u'LABEL': 'Disk label',
u'LINODEID': 'Linode ID',
u'SIZE': 'Size of disk (MB)',
u'STATUS': 'Status flag',
u'TYPE': "in ['ext3', 'swap', 'raw']",
u'UPDATE_DT': u'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.0'}])
def linode_disk_list(self, request):
"""Lists all disk images associated with a Linode."""
My code creates an instance of the Linode Python API per the SDK's instructions and then calls the linode_disk_list method:
from linode import api as linode_api
api = linode_api.Api(<my_api_key>)
linode_id = 1800300
disks = api.linode_disk_list(linode_id)
My code generates this error:
TypeError: wrapper() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
I know I'm creating the api instance correctly as I'm using it to successfully call the linode_ip_list method prior to calling the disk list method.
Just to see what happens, if I don't provide the linode_id argument, I get this error:
linode.api.MissingRequiredArgument: 'LinodeID'
If I call the method with a linode ID, the error says I'm giving it two arguments. But if I don't give it any arguments, it says I'm missing an argument. At this point, I'm not sure if the LinodeID should be an integer or a string but I get the same error in either case. How do I call this method so that I don't get the TypeError argument?
The @__api_request
decorator takes a list for each of its arguments:
def __api_request(required=[], optional=[], returns=[]):
"""Decorator to define required and optional parameters"""
for k in required:
But, you are passing in an integer
linode_id = 1800300
disks = api.linode_disk_list(linode_id)
And you are getting conflicting error message about the amount of parameters because the wrapper()
method takes an arbitrary amount of keyword arguments
def wrapper(self, **kw):