I am doing this as part of the linda.com course "Getting Started with ColdFusion 10" I completed course once with no trouble, but going back to try going thru it again, I cannot create new projects. Here is what I sent lynda.com. They advised it could be weeks before they get to it.
I cannot add the travelAdv project following the directions in the video to add a new ColdFusion project. I completed this course and wanted to go thru it again. I deleted the files in c:\coldfusion10\cfusion\wwwroot\travelAdv. Then I added them again from the download using the start files in chapter 1. When I try to create it, I start with the Project Location of C:/ColdFusion/wwwroot. I add the Project Name, travelAdv. When I click the Next button, the message at the top of the pop-up window is "Project with travelAdv already exists. Select a different project name. I changed the name to travelAdv2. I set up the localhost as the server and the Sample URL is http://localhost:8500/travelAdv2/ Then I click finish. No project appears in the Navigator. It is totally empty. Under the Project tab at the top, The open a project option is disabled.
I have tried several different project names off of wwwroot, but they never add the project to the navigator. I searched the internet multiple times this past week and no one seems to have the same problem. I must be missing something. Any help would be appreciated.
Joe Bigler
The only solution I found was to upgrade to ColdFusion Builder 2016. The instructor of the course advised ColdFusion Builder was now too old and with too many issues to work on Windows 10. I uninstalled the old version and installed the trial of ColdFusion 2016. Everything seems to be working as expected so far. I can use existing projects and create new ones.