If I am using MIME::Entity and set a custom content-type, then it is multiline.
my $mime = MIME::Entity->build (Type => "multipart/related; myid=\"max123\"; type=\"xml\";", "X-Mailer" => "");
Content-Length: 1111
Content-Type: multipart/related;
myid="max123"; type="xml";
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Can I make the content-type a oneliner in an easy way??
What I would like:
Content-Length: 1111
Content-Type: multipart/related; myid="max123"; type="xml"; boundary="----------=_1461591465-23266-0"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
I am looking for an standard way (a parameter or setting) that I did not find. My last resort is change the code or alter the string.
Thanks, Chris
Got info from developer. It is not possible. So I think the substitution above is the best way.