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How to use Graphviz with Anaconda/Spyder?

I am attempting to use Graphviz from Spyder (via an Anaconda install). I am having trouble understanding what is needed to do this and how to go about loading packages, setting variables, etc.

I straight forward approach for a new Python and Graphviz and Spyder user would be great!

Also, apart from just creating and running Graphviz, how can one run Graphviz from python with a pre-generated .gv file?


  • Here are the steps that worked for me. Much of this information was available but spread out in several different StackOverflow posts and other websites. I hope that this serves as a good one-stop resource.

    1. Go to the Graphviz website and download and install to your computer (do NOT need to install for all users).

    2. Download and install Anaconda3.5 from the Continuum website.

    3. Add Graphviz to the environment variable "Path":

      • Go to Computer > Properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables and then find "Path" in the system variables box. Click on Path and click edit.
      • Append ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin to the end of the many paths that are already present in Path. Note, the path to Graphviz may be different for you so make sure to put the correct path. The folder "bin" should have many files including the dot.exe application.
      • To check the install go to the command prompt and enter: dot -V this should return the version of Graphviz installed. For example, dot - graphviz version 2.38.0. If this does not work, enter set and look for the Graphviz path.
    4. Go to the Anaconda command prompt and enter: pip install graphviz

    5. Restart Spyder or launch it if not already open.

    6. Now within your Python script add import graphviz

    7. Below is an example of how to create a graph and render it using Graphviz from a Graphviz tutorial

      import graphviz
      dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='The Round Table')
      dot.node('A', 'King Arthur')
      dot.node('B', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise')
      dot.node('L', 'Sir Lancelot the Brave')
      dot.edges(['AB', 'AL'])
      dot.edge('B', 'L', constraint='false')
      dot.render('FileName', view=True)
    8. Below is an example of how to create a graph from a pre-generated .gv file (at least a starting point for exploration)

      from graphviz import Source

    Usefull Links:

    Getting started with Graphviz and Python

    Graphviz Attributes

    Dot Guide

    Another StackOverflow Question

    Versions Used:

    Anaconda 3.5 (comes with Spyder)

    Graphviz 2.38