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iOS 9 - NSAllowsArbitraryLoads scope

I'm not well-versed on SSL / TLS / server certificates nor on iOS but I want to confirm a few things regarding iOS 9 and NSAllowsArbitraryLoads flag.

  1. On iOS 9, is the minimum version required TLS1.2?

  2. Is setting NSAllowsArbitraryLoads to YES bypassed security checks?

  3. If it is set to YES and I load a webpage or call an API on a server which certificate is invalid / expired, will there be a handshake error or will it proceed due to the set flag?
  4. If this flag is to be removed, what are the needed actions to make devices running on iOS 9 work fine?


  • Reading the iOS documentation for NSAppTransportSecurity answered the questions I've asked. Here's the link: