I am trying to run a splinter script in order to find a menu option in this webpage.
The menu's HTML looks like this:
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="logo">
<td align="left" style="background : url('gfx/tab_fill.png'); background-repeat : repeat-x;">
<a href="variants">
<img src="gfx/tab_variants_F.png" alt="View variants" id="tab_variants" width="58" height="25" align="left" class="">
<ul id="menu_tab_variants" class="jeegoocontext" style="display: none; left: 180px; top: 90px;">
<li class="icon"><a href="/variants" class="">
<span class="icon" style="background-image: url(gfx/menu_magnifying_glass.png);"></span>View all genomic variants</a></li>
<li class="icon"><a href="/variants/in_gene" class="">
<span class="icon" style="background-image: url(gfx/menu_magnifying_glass.png);"></span>View all variants affecting transcripts</a></li>
<li class="icon"><a href="/submit" class="">
<span class="icon" style="background-image: url(gfx/plus.png);"></span>Create a new data submission</a></li>
The script should hover over a menu header, show what is visible, and then hover out of it and show what elements are visible. But nothing appears visible.
from splinter import Browser
browser = Browser('firefox', wait_time=10)
tab_variants = browser.find_link_by_href("variants")
print tab_variants
print browser.find_link_by_partial_text(
"View all genomic variants").first.visible
print browser.find_link_by_partial_text(
"View all variants affecting transcripts").first.visible
print browser.find_link_by_partial_text(
"View all genomic variants").first.visible
print browser.find_link_by_partial_text(
"View all variants affecting transcripts").first.visible
I get this output:
[<splinter.driver.webdriver.WebDriverElement object at 0x18c29d0>]
Am I using the mouse_over method as it is intended in splinter
or is there something about this particular menu that splinter
can't deal with.
The menu is not yet visible at the time you are checking the .visible
property. You can however wait for it by moving the mouse to the sub menu:
from splinter import Browser
browser = Browser('firefox', wait_time=10)
# move over the menu "Variant"
# move over the sub menu
# print the menu items visibility
print browser.find_link_by_text("View all genomic variants").visible
print browser.find_link_by_text("View all variants affecting transcripts").visible
# move the mouse out of the sub menu
# print the menu items visibility
print browser.find_link_by_text("View all genomic variants").visible
print browser.find_link_by_text("View all variants affecting transcripts").visible