I have been trying for several days now to get a linux command line validation of XML against an 1.1 Schema/XSD to work. (I don't really care about the tool, as long is it is a free linux tool supporting xsd 1.1 statements like "assert")
So far I have found / tried:
xmllint (seems it does not support XSD 1.1 Schema?) (I have used xmllint in the past for xsd 1.0 very successfully)
Newest Version of Saxon only supports XSD validation with Enterprise Edition (EE) - which I don't have.
numerous threads here on stackoverflow, including a tool one of them provided
Supposedly it is as easy as calling java com.saxonica.Validate [options] source.xml...
I have to use -xsdversion:1.1
when calling the validator
Many people claiming it works with Saxon-B, but no concrete example
I have downloaded the source for Saxon-B / saxon from SF, but to no avail in finding the "com.saxonica.Validate" class (shouldn't it be net.sf.saxon. ...)
Calling for example:
./java -cp "<path to saxon libs>/lib/saxon-" com.saxonica.Validate /home/<myuser>/test.xml
Fehler: Hauptklasse com.saxonica.Validate konnte nicht gefunden oder geladen werden
("Main Class could not be found") (Oviously I need to provide more options to validate against a schema, but since the class can not be found, ...)
Running Java 1.7 build 71
bin$ ./java -version
java version "1.7.0_71"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_71-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.71-b01, mixed mode)
Has anyone got a working example of a tool (preferably saxon-B) where I can validate XML against XSD 1.1 on linux command Line?
Thank you,
To use the Saxon schema validator, you need Saxon Enterprise Edition; the minimum license needed is EEV, which costs £90. You can get a free 30-day evaluation license from www.saxonica.com. Schema processing is not available in the open source versions of Saxon (Saxon-B, Saxon-HE), and never has been.
There is a version of Apache Xerces that supports XSD 1.1 but I can't give you any help with it, I'm afraid. There is also a commercial XSD 1.1 implementation from Altova.