I am loading some of the arrays while I start up the application in AppDelegate. Can anyone tell me how I can call the arrays in ViewController for them to be used? The code in AppDelegate is as follows:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
Myclass *myclass = [[Myclass alloc] init];
NSArray *W1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray array], nil], nil], nil];
// NSArray *stringW1 = [myclass arrayFromContentsOfFileWithName:@"W1_custom2Float"];
W1 = [myclass textToArray4dimFloat:@"W1_custom3_MOCVN_v3_wsqrt" dimension1:32 dimension2:1 dimension3:5 dimension4:5];
// W1 = [myclass textToArray4dimFloat:@"W1" dimension1:32 dimension2:1 dimension3:5 dimension4:5];
// NSLog(@"W1 is read");
NSArray *W2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray array], nil], nil], nil];
// NSArray *stringW2 = [myclass arrayFromContentsOfFileWithName:@"W2_custom2Float"];
W2 = [myclass textToArray4dimFloat:@"W2_custom3_MOCVN_v3_wsqrt" dimension1:64 dimension2:32 dimension3:5 dimension4:5];
// W2 = [myclass textToArray4dimFloat:@"W2" dimension1:64 dimension2:32 dimension3:5 dimension4:5];
// NSLog(@"W2 is read");
NSArray *Wf1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray array], nil];
// NSArray *stringWf1 = [myclass arrayFromContentsOfFileWithName:@"Wf1_custom2Float"];
Wf1 = [myclass textToArray2dimFloat:@"Wf1_custom3_MOCVN_v3_wsqrt" dimension1:3136 dimension2:1024];
// Wf1 = [myclass textToArray2dimFloat:@"Wf1" dimension1:3136 dimension2:1024];
// NSLog(@"Wf1 is read");
NSArray *Wf2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray array], nil];
// NSArray *stringWf2 = [myclass arrayFromContentsOfFileWithName:@"Wf2_custom2Float"];
Wf2 = [myclass textToArray2dimFloat:@"Wf2_custom3_MOCVN_v3_wsqrt" dimension1:1024 dimension2:17];
// Wf2 = [myclass textToArray2dimFloat:@"Wf2" dimension1:1024 dimension2:14];
// NSLog(@"Wf2 is read");
NSArray *B1 = [NSArray array];
// NSArray *stringB1 = [myclass arrayFromContentsOfFileWithName:@"B1_custom2Float"];
B1 = [myclass textToArray1dimFloat:@"B1_custom3_MOCVN_v3_wsqrt" dimensions:32];
// B1 = [myclass textToArray1dimFloat:@"B1" dimensions:32];
// NSLog(@"B1 is read");
NSArray *B2 = [NSArray array];
// NSArray *stringB2 = [myclass arrayFromContentsOfFileWithName:@"B2_custom2Float"];
B2 = [myclass textToArray1dimFloat:@"B2_custom3_MOCVN_v3_wsqrt" dimensions:64];
// B2 = [myclass textToArray1dimFloat:@"B2" dimensions:64];
// NSLog(@"B2 is read");
NSArray *Bf1 = [NSArray array];
// NSArray *stringBf1 = [myclass arrayFromContentsOfFileWithName:@"Bf1_custom2Float"];
Bf1 = [myclass textToArray1dimFloat:@"Bf1_custom3_MOCVN_v3_wsqrt" dimensions:1024];
// Bf1 = [myclass textToArray1dimFloat:@"Bf1" dimensions:1024];
// NSLog(@"Bf1 is read");
NSArray *Bf2 = [NSArray array];
// NSArray *stringBf2 = [myclass arrayFromContentsOfFileWithName:@"Bf2_custom2Float"];
Bf2 = [myclass textToArray1dimFloat:@"Bf2_custom3_MOCVN_v3_wsqrt" dimensions:17];
// Bf2 = [myclass textToArray1dimFloat:@"Bf2" dimensions:14];
return YES;
W1, W2, Wf1, Wf2, B1, B2, Bf1, Bf2 are the arrays.
You need to add those objects into .h
@property (strong, nonatomic)NSArray *W1;
then assign values into didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
.Sample below
self.W1 = [myclass textToArray4dimFloat:@"W1_custom3_MOCVN_v3_wsqrt" dimension1:32 dimension2:1 dimension3:5 dimension4:5];
Now you can access all those property into application any where.
#include "MyAppDelegate.h"
NSArray *arObj = ((MyAppDelegate *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate). W1;