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block-ui-pattern has no effect

i am trying to implement block-ui into our angular application on an element by element basis. (everything is included, referenced and injected correctly)

  1. We have been trying to implement


    with no success.

our $http request is :-

 $http.get('/user/123/GetUserAddress/').then(function (data) {

and our block-ui-pattern is :-

 < div block-ui block-ui-pattern="/^user\/123\/GetUserAddress\$/">

This seems to match the documentation, but is failing to work. Am i missing something fundamental?

  1. Our application exposes an isloading flag. initially set to true, and when the $http promise returns, sets this to false.. I realize that it is not in the documentation, however, Is there a way to set

    < div block-ui="isloading"></div>


  • Post by Parash Gami pointed me in the right direction. I actually ended up writing a custom directive that wraps block-ui

    var myBlocker = angular.module('app.Angular.Directive.myBlocker ', []);
    myBlocker.directive('myBlocker ', ['$compile', function ($compile) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope :{
            blockId: '@id',
            block: '=',
        controller: ['$scope', 'blockUI', function ($scope, blockUI) {
            var myBlock = blockUI.instances.get($scope.blockId);
            $scope.$watch('block', function (newValue, oldValue) {
                if ($scope.block === true)
                else {
        link: function link(scope, element, attrs) {
            element.attr('block-ui', scope.blockId);
            element.attr('style', 'min-height:200px;');


    This allows me to now simply add the directive to an element

    < div id="myId" my-blocker block="loading">