I am using Rhino library to execute JavaScript functions in android. I have a javascript function like,
var exucuteJS = function(controlValues) {
var valueSelected = controlValues['country'];
valueSelected = valueSelected.toUpperCase();
switch (valueSelected) {
case "INDIA":
return "IND_HOME";
case "NEPAL":
return "NEP_HOME";
return "DEF_HOME"
I am passing a Java HashMap object as parameter, say controlValues to the function executeJS. The problem is , the Rhino cant javascript code, to get the value from the key.
var valueSelected = controlValues['country'];
the return value is undefined.
it works fine with this line,
var valueSelected = controlValues.get('country');
but its not valid javascript code.
The same javascript is to be executed both in android and iOS. the above line will not supported in iOS. Please suggest. I am using latest version of Rhino.
Finally Myself found the answer.
Rather than sending a HashMap to the javascript function, need to send it as a JSONObject. Not like a normal JSONObject's object but as a Object which is in the form of NativeJSON object.
Object nativeJsonObject= NativeJSON.parse(rhino,scope,controlValueJsonString,new NullCallable());
where, rhino - Rhino's Context object. scope - Scriptable's object controlValueJsonString - JSON string equivalent to the HashMap. (controlValueJsonString = new Gson().toJson(hashMap);)
NullCallable is a class implemented from Callable,(package from rhino's org.mozilla.javascript.Callable)
this 'nativeJsonObject' should be passed to javascript function.
Object[] params = new Object[] { controlValues };
from a JSON object, javascript can get the values as,
var valueSelected = controlValues['country'];
this is working for me. Really i dont know why down voted to this question. Admins, please note this issue.