okay, so my program will be saving any number of XElements that are given by the user from a NumericUpDown control during runtime. The way I wrote this with XMLtextWriter is as follows:
public void XMLWriteNewL4Module()
int i;
String workingDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
//create a new file in the working directory
XmlTextWriter textWriter = new XmlTextWriter("Level4Modules.xml", null);
//opens the document
textWriter.WriteStartDocument(); //Document Start
//first student
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Module"); //Module start
//Module title element
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Title", ""); //Title start
textWriter.WriteEndElement(); //Title end
//Module code element
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Code", ""); //Code start
textWriter.WriteEndElement(); //Code end
//Credit value element
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Credit Value", ""); //Credit value start
textWriter.WriteEndElement(); //Credit value end
//Assessments element
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Assessments", ""); //Assessments start
for (i = 0; i < numericUpDownNoOfAssessments.Value; i++)
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Assessment", ""); //Assessment start
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Assessment Type", ""); //Assessment type start
textWriter.WriteString((comboBoxAssessments[i] as ComboBox).Text);
textWriter.WriteEndElement(); //Assessment type end
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Assessment Grade", ""); //Assessment grade start
textWriter.WriteString((textBoxAssessments[i] as TextBox).Text);
textWriter.WriteEndElement(); //Assessment grade end
textWriter.WriteStartElement("Assessment Weighting", ""); //Assessment weighting start
textWriter.WriteString((assessmentWeightingTextBox[i] as TextBox).Text);
textWriter.WriteEndElement(); //Assessment weighting end
textWriter.WriteEndElement(); //Assessment end
textWriter.WriteEndElement(); //Assessments end
textWriter.WriteEndElement(); //Module end
//end the document
textWriter.WriteEndDocument(); //Document end
//close the writer
but that way doesn't allow me to append the XML file so I tried writing it like this:
public void XMLWriteNewL4Module()
String workingDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
int i;
if (File.Exists(workingDir + @"Level4Modules.xml") == false)
//create a new file in the working directory
XmlTextWriter textWriter = new XmlTextWriter("Level4Modules.xml", null);
XElement xDoc = XElement.Load(workingDir + @"Level4Modules.xml");
new XElement("Module",
new XElement("Title", this.textBoxStudentFirstName.Text),
new XElement("Code", this.textBoxStudentSurname.Text),
new XElement("Credit Value", this.textBoxStudentIDNewUser.Text),
new XElement("Assessments",
for (i = 0; i < numericUpDownNoOfAssessments.Value; i++)
new XElement("Assessment Type", (comboBoxAssessments[i] as ComboBox).Text),
new XElement("Assessment Grade",),
new XElement("Assessment Weighting",))
xDoc.Save(workingDir + @"\Students.xml");
and this doesn't let me use a for loop inside of the new XElement declaration (which is understandable) so I need a way around it because I'm absolutely stumped. The error message that it shows says "invalid expression term 'for' " because obviously c# doesn't like you starting a for loop inside an XElement. Any ideas how I can get around this?
You can place the for loop into a new method, that returns an XElement[], and call the method where you need the child items. Something like this:
new XElement("Module",
new XElement("Title", this.textBoxStudentFirstName.Text),
new XElement("Code", this.textBoxStudentSurname.Text),
new XElement("Credit Value", this.textBoxStudentIDNewUser.Text),
new XElement("Assessments", GetAssessments())); //the returned items will be added as child items to the "Assessments" node
XElement[] GetAssessments()
var result = new List<XElement>();
for (int i = 0; i < numericUpDownNoOfAssessments.Value; i++)
result.Add(new XElement("Assessment Type", (comboBoxAssessments[i] as ComboBox).Text));
result.Add(new XElement("Assessment Grade", ""));
result.Add(new XElement("Assessment Weighting", ""));
return result.ToArray();
If there is some contextual info, you can pass it into the new method as a parameter. I hope I could help.