In QBO, Select * From Account
is not returning the Accounts Payable
account in the result set. I am doing this in a Sandbox via API Explorer (and via C# SDK). Anyone know if this is by design or a bug?
Turns out it was an issue based upon an incorrect expectation on my end. I was testing the same functionality in integrating our app with both QBD and QBO. I had seen the AP account in the UI, but it was in QBD not QBO. I thought that the Accounts Payable account was a default account automatically created in QBO, but that was incorrect and the account was not in fact there in the QBO UI. Though it is a system created account, it is not created until you create your first vendor bill, at which time QBO then automatically creates this account.
So if you have a new QBO sandbox company, you will not see the AP account until you create your first vendor bill.