I need to clear the data from a column in a table using CQL I've tried the following test on a single node and it works fine.
But is this going to fly on many nodes and different replication factors?
CREATE KEYSPACE testColumnDrop WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };
USE testColumnDrop;
CREATE TABLE contracts (
id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
licenses varchar
INSERT INTO contracts(id, licenses) VALUES('one', '{"number":"1.0"}');
INSERT INTO contracts(id, licenses) VALUES('two', '{"number":"2.0"}');
INSERT INTO contracts(id, licenses) VALUES('three', '{"number":"3.0"}');
SELECT * FROM contracts;
ALTER TABLE contracts DROP licenses;
ALTER TABLE contracts ADD licenses varchar;
SELECT * FROM contracts;
I tried it using Docker and a cluster of three nodes, worked fine