I'm trying to use ServiceStack.Text for deserializing a csv file containing ";" as the seperator.
The test csv contains this data
| Col1 | Col2 |
| Val1 | Val2 |
| Val3 | Val4 |
public class Line
public string Col1 { get; set; }
public string Col2 { get; set; }
The code that works:
var CsvWithComma = "Col1,Col2" + Environment.NewLine +
"Val1,Val2" + Environment.NewLine +
"Val3,Val3" + Environment.NewLine;
var r1 = ServiceStack.Text.CsvSerializer.DeserializeFromString<List<Line>>(CsvWithComma);
Assert.That(r1.Count() == 2, "It should be 2 rows");
Assert.That(r1[0].Col1 == "Val1", "Expected Val1");
Assert.That(r1[0].Col2 == "Val2", "Expected Val2");
The code that fails:
ServiceStack.Text.CsvConfig.ItemSeperatorString = ";";
var CsvWithSemicolon = "Col1;Col2" + Environment.NewLine +
"Val1;Val2" + Environment.NewLine +
"Val3;Val3" + Environment.NewLine;
var r2 = ServiceStack.Text.CsvSerializer.DeserializeFromString<List<Line>>(CsvWithSemicolon);
Assert.That(r2.Count() == 2, "It should be 2 rows");
Assert.That(r2[0].Col1 == "Val1", "Expected Val1");
Assert.That(r2[0].Col2 == "Val2", "Expected Val2");
When I dig into the ServiceStack code is seems like it's using the ServiceStack.Text.Common.JsWriter.ItemSeperator as a seperator for the CSV reader and not the ServiceStack.Text.CsvConfig.ItemSeperatorString.
Has anyone got this working?
This should now be supported from this commit.
This change is available from v4.0.57+ that's now available from MyGet.