I'm getting this error message when configuring my streaming analytics query into my event hub. I'm trying to query for real time data as it arrives into the event hub, so I removed the windowing grouping. I suspect this is what causes this error message and won't allow the query to be used. But is there anyway to get true real time data from an event hub or is it only pseudo through use of the windowing system which can allow for multiple events to occur in one window of time?
Here's my query for reference:
SELECT month(system.timestamp) as month, system.timestamp as time, city, state, zip, hascontactedconsultant, websiteguideid, status, assignedto,
type, count(type)
INTO ttvleadsstream
FROM ttvhuball
GROUP BY month, time, city, state, zip, hascontactedconsultant, websiteguideid, status, assignedto, type
If you have a group by in your query, you have to provide a time window over which to group the events by. It is mandatory. Output will be produced once every "window".
If you don't have a group by, then events are sent to output source as and when it arrives.
Can you describe the expected behavior with example data?