My question is related to the post: R Error: package 'mvtnorm' required by 'multcomp' could not be found
I'm using Revolution R and I'm trying to install the pbkrtest
package and I have already installed the lme4
package. However, during installation of pbkrtest
, R doesn't seem to be able to find lme4
. Any idea why? The same issue has popped up with a few other packages and dependencies.
I performed this exact operation last week without issue. I don't have admin rights, and so had to save the file to my user directory. Here is the process I used:
Windows 7, revo R 3.2.3
construct a directory on my desktop, open R:
setwd(<path to my new folder>)
download.packages(<myPackages>, destdir=getwd(), type="win.binary")
install.packages(list.files(), repos=NULL, type="win.binary", lib=Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"))
* The reason I used download.packages()
is to build an in-house repository for work.
* A few of the (~4 of 300) packages did not download, so I had to download them manually.
* This is my first experience with revo R, specifying type was never necessary in vanilla R, but seemed necessary here.