I am fairly new to Xamarin.iOS. Coming from Xcode, I have noticed that applying constraints in the iOS designer (I am using Visual Studio) is very different. One needs to double tap to get the constraints gizmo. However, it is limited to only 3 constraints: align, spacing and size. Xcode, however, provides many more options such as setting the aspect ration, priority and equality, which I did not see in Visual Studio. Also, ctrl+drag does not seem to do anything (unlike Xcode where a menu pops up) I also noticed that the constraints gizmo does not work when editing a navigation bar. No matter how many times I clicked on the bar, the gizmo never appeared (maybe a bug?).
as far as I know, the tutorials on autolayout in Xamarin are restricted to paid Xamarin University subs so I am hoping someone here can help me figure it out.
I dont think it has those features right now, the "iOS Designer" seems to be limiting in regards to constraints, I just use Interface Builder when doing more that simple constraints because of this.
Doesnt even have constraint width to superview width, c'mon man.
Also the info here in the Xamarin docs is pritty much the same as the Xam university.