I trying Select item in dx-tree-view, my treeview config:
$scope.treeViewOptions = {
bindingOptions: {
dataSource: 'localArray',
searchValue: "searchValue",
keyExpr: 'id',
displayExpr: 'caption',
parentIdExpr: 'parentId',
dataStructure: 'plain',
selectedExpr: 'isSelected',
onItemClick: function (e) {...
I added selectExpr:'isSelected' option, and trying select my item use it:
$scope.localArray[0].isSelected = true;
$scope.localArray = $scope.localArray;
but it don't works, may be somebody have ideas how i can do it ? Thanks for Your answers!
In DevExtreme v.15.2 tree view selection works only with the showCheckBoxesMode: 'normal'
$scope.treeViewOptions = {
// tree view config...
showCheckBoxesMode: 'normal'
The sample is here.
But, if you want to apply a custom style to the item with the isSelected
field, you can do it manually. Just use the onItemRendered event and check if item is selected:
onItemRendered: function(args){
if(args.itemData.isSelected) {
args.itemElement.css("color", "green");