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updating jetty servlet 9.2.2 to 9.3.8

I'm trying to update jetty server and servlet from version 9.2.2 to version 9.3.8 after updating my pom.xml file i get some errors like ServletContextHandler and ServletHolder are not found !

here is my pom.xml



and this is my JettyServer class

public static void start() throws Exception
    Server server = new Server(Configuration.getInstance().getPortServer());

    ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS);

    ServletHolder h = new ServletHolder(new HttpServletDispatcher());
    h.setInitParameter("", "de.jettyserver.Services");
    context.addServlet(h, "/*");



    LOGGER.debug("JettyServer started");

and the errors

[ERROR] /C:/..../jettyserver/[4,33] package org.eclipse.jetty.servlet does not exist

[ERROR]/C:/../jettyserver/[5,33] package org.eclipse.jetty.servlet does not exist
[ERROR] /C:/../jettyserver/[27,17] cannot find symbol symbol:   class ServletContextHandler location: class de.tuberlin.snet.sonic.jettyserver.JettyServer

    [ERROR] /C:/../jettyserver/[27,53] cannot find symbol symbol:   class ServletContextHandler location: class de.tuberlin.snet.sonic.jettyserver.JettyServer
[ERROR] /C:/../jettyserver/[27,75] cannot find symbol symbol:   variable ServletContextHandler location: class de.tuberlin.snet.sonic.jettyserver.JettyServer


  • You have a typo in your dependency.

        <artifactId>jetty-servlet</artifactId> <!-- not plural! -->