I am running scripts in UFT and I want to write results to an excel sheet. How would I go about this? Every test I run will have a test Id and a Pass or Fail status.
Create Excel sheet with "Test ID", "Test Result" columns in some location (ex: "C:\TestResults\" folder).
Create a function to write test results into Excel sheet for each test
Call that function at the end of each script
Function WriteResulttoExcel(ID, TestResult, SheetPath)
'Creating the Excel Object
set objExcel = createobject("excel.application")
'Creating the Workbooks object
set objWB = objExcel.workbooks.open (SheetPath)
'Creating the sheet object
set objsheet = objwb.worksheets(1)
' Write test results to excel sheet
objsheet.cells(1,rws+1).Value= ID
objsheet.cells(2,rws+1).Value= TestResult
'Saving the workbook after changes
'closing the workbook
'Quit the Excel and destroying the Excel object
set objExcel=nothing
End Function