When I add a new sonar lint server, I am getting the below error in eclipse mars2.
Unable to update data from server 'sonar'
Unable to write protocol buffer data to file C:\Users\gopinathan.m\workspace\ws_mars2_cba\.sonarlint\work\sonar\.sonartmp_7090866391184130944\8635181712377045126\active_rules\DEFAULT - Sonar 4.5 way w\ upgraded rules.pb
Environment Details: Java: jdk1.7_0_79
OS: windows 64 bit
Eclipse Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2)
Plugin: SonarLint for Eclipse
There is a bug on Windows, in which some names of Quality Profiles will lead to problems writing the configuration in disk:
While it is not fixed, try to rename the quality profile "DEFAULT - Sonar 4.5 way w\ upgraded rules". The problematic char here is probably '\'.