On one hand, i have a very simple emailForm directive.
directives.directive('emailForm', function(){
return {
restrict: 'AE',
templateUrl: "views/forms/email.html",
controller: function(){console.log('its the addressForm here dude');},
scope: {
email: '=email'
require: ['^form', 'ngModel']
I now want to use this directive inside a contactForm :
<form name="contactForm">
<input type="text" ng-model="contact.name"/>
<email-form email="contact.email"></email-form> // how to make this required or not...?
How can i make the emailForm required in contactForm (not in the mail directive as i want to be able to use it somewhere where its not going to be required)?
My first thought was pass a required parameter in the emailDirective, but while this seems a good idea for a simple input (like email), it doesnt seem to be as soon as the nested subform is a real form on its own.
The required attribute is only valid for inputs tags. If you want to be able to switch all input fields in the sub form you can try something like :
<email-form email="contact.email" form-required="<your value>"></email-form>
//javascript emailFormDirective :
//email.html template
<input ... ng-required="emailRequired" ... />
Note : i used differents names for every step so you won't get lost between them.