Can I have a grails controller named Office365Controller. More specifically is it allowed to have numbers in controller names? In url mapping i use office365 as controller. Could this be somehow conflicting with camel casing convention used for controller.
I ask this question because when i call a function inside this controller, i get tomcat error 403. My all other controllers are working fine and security for all of them is same.
Can I have a grails controller named Office365Controller.
More specifically is it allowed to have numbers in controller names?
I ask this question because when i call a function inside this controller, i get tomcat error 403.
There may be some other factor in your app that is causing the issue, but I don't think the numbers in the controller name would cause a 403. A controller like this should work fine:
class Office365Controller {
def index() {
render retrieveSomeValue()
protected retrieveSomeValue() {
'hello world'
It isn't clear what might be going wrong in your app, but the answer to the questions quoted above is "yes".