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Need to display Fileds in vf page from Query written in Controller

I have a requirement where i need to display fields fetched from query in controller to Vf page without using pageblockTable.

Please see the below code that i am trying.

Apex code :

public class ViewDetailscontroller


public List<Course__c> coursesList{get; set;}
public Course__c coursesobj{get; set;}

  public ViewDetailscontroller()


coursesobj =[SELECT Id,Answer_1__c,Web_Score_SwU__c FROM Course__c where Lead__c =: Leadid ];


Vf page:

 <apex:page standardController="Lead"  extensions="ViewDetailscontroller" tabStyle="Course__c">

      <apex:pageBlock rendered="{!intrestedinData_Analytics}" >
                    <apex:pageBlockSection >

                    <apex:outputField value="{!coursesobj.Batch_for_DA__c}"/>



Problem here is i cant bind list values from Controller to pageblock tag or anyother tag apart from pageblocktable.

Please suggest,thanks.


  • You can use the apex:repeat tag and build your own "table" if you like.

    <apex:repeat value="{!accounts}" var="a">
            <p>{!}, {!}</p>                