I am using WSO2 CEP 4.1.0 version for real time event processing and I am writing a execution plan for checking whether my inputted geocoordinates are within a polygon. But getting an error : 'within' is neither a function extension nor an aggregated attribute extension in execution plan "ExecutionPlan11"
My execution plan is below and please help me in solving this error.
/* Enter a unique ExecutionPlan */ @Plan:name('ExecutionPlan11')
@Import('NewInputStream:1.0.0') define stream instream (meta_sourceId string, meta_engOilTemp float, meta_engFuelRate float, meta_acceleratorPedalPos float, meta_engSpeed float, meta_barometricPressure float, meta_receivedTime long, meta_latitude double, meta_longitude double);
@Export('NewOutputStream:1.0.0') define stream outstream (meta_sourceId string, meta_alarmName string, meta_alarmMessage string, meta_alarmAttribute string, meta_data string, meta_unit string, meta_pointId string, meta_pointName string, meta_deviceId string, meta_receivedTime long);
from instream[geo:within(meta_latitude, meta_longitude,"{'type':'Polygon','coordinates':[[[12.52,77.32],[12.89,77.69],[13.011,77.686],[13.058,77.555],[12.9284,77.4421]]]}" == false)]
select meta_sourceId, "Geofencing Alarm" as meta_alarmName, "Out of geo range" as meta_alarmMessage, "geofence" as meta_alarmAttribute, "NA" as meta_data, "NA" as meta_unit, "Latitude" as meta_pointId, "longitude" as meta_pointName, "D1" as meta_deviceId, meta_receivedTime insert into outstream;
I guess you have not installed gpl features.Above geo functions does not come in the default CEP pack.To use geo functions you need to install corresponding gpl features.Please follow link to install said features.(GPL - Siddhi Geo Extension)