Is it possible to add two different Yammer share buttons to the same page?
Using the documentation from Yammer I was able to add two buttons to the same page, but they still point to the same url ( with the following configuration).
customButton: true,
classSelector: 'button1',
pageUrl: ''
customButton: true,
classSelector: 'button2',
pageUrl: ''
I also set up a full Plunker here.
Turns out there's an API to the event handler itself, so I could do the binding myself and gained the required flexibility:
document.getElementsByClassName('button1')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {
defaultMessage: 'Check out'
pageUrl: '
document.getElementsByClassName('button2')[0].addEventListener('click', function() {
defaultMessage: 'Check out',
pageUrl: ''
This is also simpler when the urls are required to change, e.g. due to client-side routing. Check out a full Plunker here.