My goal is to have a right justified report. So I changed the text align from right to middle center justified because right justified alignment is not supported in document viewer I think. Now my text is justified but the direction is ltr. How to make it rtl?
I tried to set a rtl style for created html from document viewer by css and jquery but it ignores styles.
I am using devexpress report suit 15.2 with webforms.
How to do it?
Finally I fount it.
By adding the following code to the aspxdocumentviewer I was able to write css codes for it.
<dx:ASPxDocumentViewer ID="ASPxDocumentViewer1" runat="server">
<dx:ReportToolbarButton ItemKind="Search" />
<dx:ReportToolbarSeparator />
<SettingsReportViewer UseIFrame="false" />
<style type="text/css">