NB: I am using Microsoft SQL Compact Edition 3.5
I have a table of users.I have the display name as user input and I need to query all the user whose display name matches the input.
select TOP (1) * from users where display_name like 'Abby Parker'
here 'Abby parker'
is the input
it is working fine in normal cases .But the problem is the display name can contain special characters
for eg display name can be "Abby Park#er"
or simply "%&^%&^%#%"
.The above query fails in such cases .I have already tried the solution specified here
Escaping special characters in a SQL LIKE statement using sql parameters
this is how I am building the query here
var command = ceConnection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = string.Format("select TOP (1) * from {0} where {1} like '[{2}]' ", tableName,fieldName, key);
Thanks in advance
As posted here, please try the following:
var command = ceConnection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = string.Format("select TOP (1) * from {0} where {1} like @key ", tableName,
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", key);