This is my first website (website itself is all done). I'm trying to upload my website files to my Openshift PHP 5.4 domain so when I click my OpenShift domain url, my website appears (pretty simple, right?). My Openshift account is set up. I've connected to it with FileZilla, and set up a private (or public) key. I've installed Ruby & Git. I followed everything here, and am stuck on this step:
Web Console
If you create an application from the web console, you’ll need to tell Git to clone the repository. Find the Git URL from the application page, and then run:
C:\> git clone <git_url> <directory to create>
I don't know what the "git_url" is supposed to be. Nor do I know what the "directory to create" is supposed to be. I don't know what OpenShift directory to put my website files in (when I connect with FileZilla) so that when I open my OpenShift domain url, I see my website (see below).
Again, my goal is to see my website when I open my OpenShift PHP 5.4 url. Where do I go from here?
Your problem is that you don't know what git is about, I recommend that you go read about it:
If you have your site ready and you've created an OpenShift app, do the following:
1) Grab the git url (you can find it by browsing to, clicking your app, and then copying the long address on the right, under "Source Code"), it should look something like this: ssh://
2) Open up a terminal (or use some git ui tool) and clone (download) your app with
git clone ssh://
3) You should have a folder named app
, now use the file explorer go inside it and paste in all your website
4) Go back to the terminal and do
cd app (or whatever name your app has)
git add .
git commit -m "Add my website"
git push origin master
Wait for it to finish, and if there are no errors, you're all done.