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ObservableCollection and UnhandledException with unspecified error in Windows Phone 8.1

I have the following code where if i remove the ´Task.Delay´ it throws an UnhandledException with message "Unspecified error". This exception is not thrown from the actual code and will not be captured by any try catch.

ViewModel Code:

ObservableCollection<Data> _newData;
ObservableCollection<Data> _oldData;

List<Data> dataList = await Task.Run(() => GetData());

foreach(var dataItem in dataList)
    if(dataItem.Type == DataType.New)

    await Task.Delay(1); // Comment out and code fails

This only happens as the´dataList´ grows large enough.


  • Turned out to be a completely unrelated issue.

    Replacing a MenuFlyout with a Flyout solved the problem. I am unsure why exactly.