I'm trying to skew an image for input into an NN, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. There aren't too many libraries which seem to provide what I'm looking for.
Preferably it would work on the type torch.FloatTensor
edit: Actually, the function image.warp looks promising, but the warp_test.lua is not particularly helpful. I am just looking to skew the image in x by a varying amount
Here is a simplistic version:
require 'torch'
require 'image'
local function skew(input, factor)
local w, h = input:size(3), input:size(2)
local y = torch.range(0, h - 1):view(h, 1):expand(h, w)
local x = torch.range(0, w - 1):view(1, w):expand(h, w)
local field = torch.Tensor(2, h, w)
field[1] = y
field[2] = torch.add(x, factor or 0, y)
return image.warp(input, field, "bilinear", false, "pad", 0)
local output = skew(image.lena(), 0.25)