Unexpectedly, this fails (no output; tried in sh, zsh, bash):
echo "foo\nplayed\nbar" > /tmp/t && tail -f /tmp/t | grep played | sed 's#pl#st#g'
Note that two times grep also fails, indicating that it's quite irrelevant which commands are used:
# echo -e "foo\nplayed\nbar" > /tmp/t && tail -f /tmp/t | grep played | grep played
grep alone works:
# echo -e "foo\nplayed\nbar" > /tmp/t && tail -f /tmp/t | grep played
sed alone works:
# echo -e "foo\nplayed\nbar" > /tmp/t && tail -f /tmp/t | sed 's#pl#st#g'`
With cat instead of tail, it works:
# echo -e "foo\nplayed\nbar" > /tmp/t && cat /tmp/t | grep played | sed 's#pl#st#g'
With journalctl --follow
, it fails just like with tail
What's the reason for being unable to pipe twice?
It's a buffering issue - the first grep buffers it's output when it's piping to another command but not if it's printing to stdout. See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/009 for additional info.