I have list of lists like this:
[[q, ,w, ,e, ,r, ,t, ,z],[a, ,s, ,d, ,f, ,g, ,h],[y, ,x, ,c, ,v, ,b, ,n]]
and I need to delete all spaces except in last list. So I want:
[[q,w,e,r,t,z],[a,s,d,f,g,h],[y, ,x, ,c, ,v, ,b, ,n]]
I tried:
deleteAll([Head|Tail],L) :-
subtract(Head,[ ],L).
But it doesnt work. I'm getting onlny:
[q, ,w, ,e, ,r, ,t, ,z]
So it seems that even subtract didnt match the [ ] as space. How can I achieve this?
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars). :- use_module(library(double_quotes)). spdels([], []). spdels([Cs], [Cs]). spdels([Cs|Css], [Ds|Dss]) :- Css = [_|_], Dss = [_|_], text_nospaces(Cs, Ds), spdels(Css, Dss). text_nospaces([], []). text_nospaces([C|Cs], Ds0) :- if_(C = ' ', Ds0 = Ds1, Ds0 = [C|Ds1] ), text_nospaces(Cs, Ds1). text_nospaces_bis(Cs, Ds) :- tfilter(dif(' '), Cs, Ds).
?- spdels(["a b c","d e","f g"], Cs).
Cs = ["abc","de","f g"]
; false.