My current scenario is like
Now what I am trying to do is load data from rabbit mq into titan db.
What I have been able to do till now is load the data from nodejs file using gremlin node module
var createClient = require('gremlin').createClient;
//import { createClient } from 'gremlin';
const client = createClient();
client.execute('tx=graph.newTransaction();tx.addVertex(T.label,"product","id",991);tx.commit()', {}, function(err, results){
if (err) {
return console.error(err)
How should I move next so that I can harness existing rabbit mq of orders and push them into titan db.
Due to some constraints I can not use java.
You're most likely looking for something like node-amqp, which is a Node.js client for RabbitMQ. What you want to do is:
Things you must watch for that will otherwise likely kill your performance:
yourself). Numbers in the couple thousands should work.I'm not familiar with RabbitMQ but hopefully this should get you started.
Note: Gremlin javascript driver interacts with Gremlin Server via a WebSocket connection, which is permanent and bi-directional. The client doesn't support the HTTP Channelizer yet (which is not the kind of connection that you wish to establish in the current scenario).