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Stretching words and quotation scoping

To play at Stretch the word, I've defined the following words, to try to work at the problem via the same method as this answer:

USING: kernel math sequences sequences.repeating ;
IN: stretch-words

! "bonobo" -> { "b" "bo" "bon" "bono" "bonob" "bonobo" }
: ascend-string ( string -- ascending-seqs )
    dup length 1 + iota [ 0 swap pick subseq ] map
    [ "" = not ] filter nip ;

! expected: "bonobo" -> "bonoobbooo"
! actual:   "bonobo" -> "bbbooonnnooobbbooo"
: stretch-word ( string -- stretched ) 
    dup ascend-string swap zip
      dup first swap last 
      [ = ] curry [ dup ] dip count 
    ] map last ;

stretch-word is supposed to repeat a character in a string by the number of times it's appeared up to that position in the string. However, my implementation is repeating all instances of the 1string it gets.

I have the feeling this is easily implementable in Factor, but I can't quite figure it out. How do I make this do what I want?


  • Hm... not a great golf, but it works...

    First, I made a minor change to ascend-string so it leaves the string on the stack:

    : ascend-string ( string -- string ascending-seqs )
        dup length 1 + iota [ 0 swap pick subseq ] map
        [ "" = not ] filter ;

    So stretch-word can work like this:

    : stretch-word ( string -- stretched ) 
        ascend-string zip         ! just zip them in the same order
          first2 over             ! first2 is the only golf I could make :/
          [ = ] curry count       ! same thing
          swap <array> >string    ! make an array of char size count and make it a string
        ] map concat ;            ! so you have to join the pieces

    Edit: I think the problem was using repeat to do the job.