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create individual in protege with dataproprety restriction

good evening everyone i have created a simple ontology with only one class (methods) and have dataproperty action_nb (integer) and type witch is (String) and can only be ( choice, rank , sort ) then use a query to searche for example: select the method WHERE action number <20 & type = " choice"

  1. how to declare the action_nb in a intervale ex: methode1 => action_nb between [10, 30].

  2. how to declare the type with the three values ex: methode1=> type:"choice";

this is the code that i have right now:

SELECT ?inst 
   ?inst ex:action_nb ?value .
   ?inst  es:type  ?typ.

    FILTER (?value < 80)
    FILTER (?typ = " tri " )


  • For 1), you can use datatype property restrictions, explained here

    For 2), you should use owl:oneOf. This you can do with either enumerated class or enumerated datatype:

    Enumerated Classes can only have members within a declared list of RDF resources (individuals). You can create a different individual for each choice, and then a class MethodType with equivalent class the list {choice, rank, sort}. Please note that the curly brackets is the way it will look in Protégé. In Turtle it will look like this:

      rdf:type owl:Class ;
      owl:equivalentClass [
          rdf:type owl:Class ;
          owl:oneOf (
            ) ;
        ] ;

    Enumerated Datatypes are range restrictions consisting of lists of RDF literals, in your case the rdfs:range will be owl:oneOf {"choice", "rank", "sort"}. (Notes: 1. The comment for the curly brackets holds here was well; 2.This can also be achieved with owl:allValuesFrom restrictions.)

    If the typeOP and typeDP, are espectively the object property for the first approach, and the data property for the second the queries could be:

    SELECT *
    WHERE {
     ?m   a :Method;
    :typeOP ?t .
    FILTER EXISTS {?m :typeOP :choice}


    SELECT *
    WHERE {
     ?m   a :Method;
    :typeDP ?t .
    FILTER EXISTS {?m :typeDP "choice"}
