Is it possible to assign weights to different features before formulating a DFM in R?
Consider this example in R
str="apple is better than banana"
mydfm=dfm(str, ignoredFeatures = stopwords("english"), verbose = FALSE)
DFM mydfm looks like:
docs apple better banana
text1 1 1 1
But, I want to assign weights(apple:5, banana:3) beforehand, so that DFM mydfm looks like:
docs apple better banana
text1 5 1 3
I don't think so, however you can easily do it afterwards:
str <- "apple is better than banana"
mydfm <- dfm(str, ignoredFeatures = stopwords("english"), verbose = FALSE)
idx <- which(names(weights) %in% colnames(mydfm))
mydfm[, names(weights)[idx]] <- mydfm[, names(weights)[idx]] %*% diag(weights[idx])
# 1 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
# features
# docs apple better banana
# text1 5 1 3