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How to safely retrieve sql data using a stored function

I'm trying to write a function in MySQL that gets the password for a username given as parameter, while avoiding SQL injection.

Here's my code:

CREATE FUNCTION get_password_for_user (p_username varchar(30))
    returns varchar(32)
    declare passwd varchar(32) default "";

   PREPARE stmt FROM 'select password into @passwd from users where name=?';
   SET @name = p_username;
   EXECUTE stmt USING @name;

   return passwd;
END $$

When I try to create it, it gives the Dynamic SQL error:

Error Code: 1336. Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or trigger

I've found solutions involving CONCAT on the web, but that would mean being vulnerable to SQL injection and I obviously don't want that.

Is there something I can do about this? Or is there any other proper way to deal with this situation?


  • Why are you using dynamic sql?

    CREATE FUNCTION get_password_for_user (p_username varchar(30))
        returns varchar(32)
        declare passwd varchar(32) default '';
       select passwd := u.password
       from users u
       where = p_username;
       return passwd;
    END $$