I want to unit test a java class with an autowired final class object, as well as another autowired class that has @PostConstruct method. While it is possible to test them individually, i am not able to combine them together.
This question is an extension to the question on injecting mockito mocks into spring bean
public class A {
private FinalClass serviceClient;
private ClassWithPostConstructor resourceVerifier;
//no setters or constructors
public String useBothFinalClassAndClassWithPostConstructor() {
//logic to be tested
public class ATest {
//@org.mockito.Mock //fails to mock final class
private FinalClass serviceClient;
private ClassWithPostConstructor resourceVerifier;
//other mock objects required for mocking the services
//@InjectMocks //fails since mocking final class
private A a;
public void init() {
a = new A();
//working snippet with setters created in A and without @Autowired here within the test
serviceClient = PowerMock.create(FinalClass.class);
resourceVerifier = PowerMock.create(ClassWithPostConstructor.class);
public void testTheMethodUsingExpectAndVerify() {
//test the functionality here
The above code works with the need for setters in file
public class ATest {
private FinalClass serviceClient;
private ClassWithPostConstructor resourceVerifier;
//other mock objects required for mocking the services
private A a;
public void init() {
a = new A();
public void testTheMethodUsingExpectAndVerify() {
//test the functions here
//same error even on customer factory
<bean id="resourceVerifier" class="org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock" factory-method="createMock">
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.Class" value="com.company...resourceVerifier" />
<bean id="resourceVerifier" class="org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock" factory-method="createMock">
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.Class" value="com.company...serviceClient" />
The above snippet mocks finalClass but calls @PostConstructor of ResourceVerifier.class - What should be done here to overcome this call.
But none of these worked since the usecase is a combination of all these.
I don't feel that the classes require reorganisation as they serve their purposes and are well designed as well.
Not sure whether it is possible by PowerMockito? Haven't tried the combination of PowerMockito with PowerMock.
Seems to me you have a mess in your head and misunderstanding PowerMock/Mockito and EasyMock.
You should never use at same time PowerMockito
and PowerMock
, because these two classes are PowerMock friendly API for two different mocking frameworks: EasyMock and Mockito. And there is no reason to use they both.
And of course this want work
//@org.mockito.Mock //fails to mock final class
private FinalClass serviceClient;
private ClassWithPostConstructor resourceVerifier;
//other mock objects required for mocking the services
//@InjectMocks //fails since mocking final class
private A a;
Because, you decelerate and create mocks via EasyMock API, but tries to inject it with Mockito Annotation.
You have to choose only one Mocking Framework and use suitable API for it. For now, Mockito + PowerMockito (PowerMock API for Mockito) better fit your requirements.
You may full example how it works on PowerMock github
public class SpringInjectFinalClassExampleTest {
private FinalClass finalClass;
private MyBean myBean = new MyBean();;
public void testInjectFinalClass() {
final String value = "What's up?";
assertEquals(value, myBean.sayHello());